What We Teach
We teach the Bible as God’s revelation to man and is completely inspired by Him through verbal, plenary inspiration, where “men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit” (2 Peter 1:20-21).
We teach the Bible as the primary authority on all matters of faith and practice and that it is sufficient to provide for the spiritual needs of man and the local church. (2 Tim. 3:15-17)
We teach the existence of one living and true God, who is infinite and perfect in all of His attributes. God is one in essence and eternally exists in three distinct persons: Father, Son & Holy Spirit. The persons of the Godhead are coequal and deserving of worship and obedience. (Matt. 3:16-17, John 5:20-22, John 14:26, John 15:26, John 16:13-15)
We teach that God created the world in six days and on the seventh day of the creation week He rested. Man was created on day six and is a special creation of God and the only creature to be made in His image. (Gen. 1, 1 Cor. 11:7, James 3:9)
We teach that even though God created mankind perfect, that the first man (Adam) disobeyed God by choosing not to believe God’s word that ‘if he ate of the tree he would die.’ Adam’s sin resulted in the fall from God’s favor and put a curse over the entire creation, where all people are sinful by nature through an inheritance from Adam. (Gen. 3:1-7, Rom. 5:12-13)
We teach the deity of Jesus of Nazareth as the second person of the Trinity, God’s one and only Son. Jesus exists eternally with the Father and is Pre-imminent over His creation. Jesus came to earth, born of a virgin, never giving up His deity; being fully God and fully man. He suffered and died on the cross as a sacrifice (payment) for the sins of those who would have faith in Him, and rose from the dead on the third day and ascended into heaven a few days after His resurrection. (Colossians 1:15,19, John 3:16, Phil. 2:6-7, Luke 1:34, Rom. 3:21-25)
We teach the only remedy for Adam’s curse being salvation through Jesus Christ, solely given by God’s grace through repentance of sin and faith in the deity and sacrifice of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Without Jesus there is no hope. (Rom. 5:17,21, Eph. 2:8-9)
We teach that once you have placed your faith in Jesus Christ for salvation you are a member of His covenant of grace. Membership in this covenant means that you are a part of a holy priesthood with other believers and that God recognizes you as though you are His son, Jesus. Believers have communion with God through the Holy Spirit and can petition God through prayer. (1 Peter 2:9, Rom. 8:26-27, Rev. 5:10)
We teach that our church should strive to serve God in everything we do and is a part in the greater body of churches typically referred to as the “universal” church. No single church or denomination has a monopoly on God’s message or power, but all churches that have faith in Jesus Christ are a part of His kingdom. (Eph. 4:4-6, Gal. 3:28-29)
We teach that Jesus has called the church to service for God’s eternal purposes. The mission of the church is to make disciples of all peoples through a proclamation of the Gospel Message, which is that salvation of sins is obtained through faith in Jesus Christ. In fulfilling this mission, local churches are to equip believers for service and ministry to the world and for edification of the church. (Matt. 28:18-19, Rom. 10:14-15, 2 Tim. 2:15, 3:17, Eph. 4:16, 1 Thess. 5:11)
We teach that Jesus Christ will return to earth in the same way He ascended into heaven. Jesus will be returning to gather His people together and take them to be with the Father. This event is referred to as the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and will start the consummation of all things into harmony with God’s Supreme Design. (1 Thess. 4:15-16, Eph. 1:10, 1 Cor. 15:27-28, Phil. 2:10-11, John 14:3)
Fellowship Values
Commitment to Worship: God requires a lifestyle of worship for every believer. Our private and public worship exalts Christ and engages both our heart and our mind. (Matt. 4:10b; Ex. 34:14; 1 Chron. 16:29; John 4:24; Rev. 5:13)
Commitment to Biblical Teaching. The entire Bible is God’s inspired word, the guidebook for faith and practice for Christians. We build our ministry on Biblical principles by teaching the Word, thus equipping people for life and ministry. (Heb. 4:12; James 1:18; Col. 3:16; Ps. 1:2; James 1:21-25)
Commitment to Relationships. As members of the body of Christ, we have the divine responsibility and enablement to love, serve, encourage and build each other up. We will strive to do this in a humble spirit of sacrificial love. Furthermore, we agree to hold each other accountable to Biblical standards of relating to each other. (Rom. 12:5; 1 Col. 12:27; 1 Thess. 5:11; John 15:17; 1 John 3:16)
Commitment to Changed Lives. God enables Christians to grow into fully devoted followers of Christ. Through our teaching and our lives, we help each other to reflect the character and values of Christ. (Col. 2:6-7, 4:12 Matt. 28:19-20; Rom. 8:29; Eph. 4:14-16, 4:22-24; 2 Cor. 3:18; Heb. 6:1-3; 2 Peter 3:18)
Commitment to Serving God through Serving Others: God is purposeful in all He is doing. God gives every believer gifts for service. We will help people discover their unique place of ministry, and to faithfully use the time, talent and treasure God has entrusted to them for His service. (1 Peter 4:10; 1 Cor. 12:27; Eph. 4:12-16; Rom. 12:3-8; Acts 11:29)
Commitment to Sharing our Faith. God is “not wanting any to perish but all to come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9 HCSB). Therefore, we will strive to equip and encourage every believer to be effective in reaching others for faith in Christ. (Matt. 28:19; Acts 1:8; 1 Tim. 2:1-6)
Commitment to Prayer: God hears and answers prayer. Our lives and ministries are characterized by a genuine reliance on God. This reliance is demonstrated by incorporating prayer into everything we do. (Luke 11:9, 18:1; Heb. 4:16, Acts 1:14, 2:42; Rom. 12:12; Eph. 6:18)
This is an abridged version of what we teach, for a more complete version please visit the Southern Baptist Convention’s statement on our beliefs as a church: